The human mind seems to be very fickle. Please note, I say seems to be very fickle, and not is very fickle.
There is a pronounced difference between the two statements. To the untrained, unharnessed mind, there may be no visible difference between the two. But, the fact here is that, the large droves of humans that inhabit the earth, have absolutely no control over their minds or their egos.
To judge every situation, every person without any strings attached, that is, to take one's ego out of the equation, and to assess every situation unemotionally.
A calm and non-partisan overview at everything of consequence.
It is essential to analyze each and everything that comes to one's attention. It leads to a greater awareness of oneself and of the supreme truth.
The supreme truth being that, you cannot gain wisdom reading a random blog by an arbit
Assclown and expect to become the next messiah for mankind. And anyways, if I had any idea how to do all the said stuff, I wouldn't be writing shite posts on my not-so-popular blog would I?
Perhaps that's the reason we're still human, and why you're still reading my blog instead of getting the f**k out of here and continuing your search for the supreme truth. My guess is you'll most likely find it
Thank you for wasting your delightfully useless time trying to make sense out of this piece of typing practise.
Yours truly.