Thursday, September 10, 2009

Shit Happens

This is a new feature of my blog.
I shamelessly admit that I have copied Mr.Hari Shenoy's concept lock,stock and barrel.
But what the heck.

Top searches that led people to my blog:
1. Jhatbuddhi (takes the cake. Someone from the California Government)
2. where does pedophobia come from (bethlehem, pennsylvania)
3. amusement aplenty
4. devrat kamath's blog (yes, bizarre. Someone actually looked THAT up on google.)
5. devarat kamat (some dickhead from Singapore)
6. meaning of ghaspus (chicago, illinois)
7. ab imo pectore ad infinitum (montreal, quebec)
8. metempsychosis at blogspot (I, apparently, am a rebirth expert.)

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