Thursday, May 8, 2008

Prison Break

I have always wondered how my mum, with all due respect, can bear to watch these serials which seem to go on and on forever. I was always of the opinion that human interest in a particular subject is limited and change is the only thing which refreshes that interest. Every show needs to stop and a new show needs to come out in it's place to keep the channel trps up.
But now i realise how wrong i was.

Recently on the advise of some friend of mine, i started watching this series called Prison break. It's about how the hierarchy in the U.S federal services actually runs the country using the president as their pawn.(Though a certain George W may disagree). They implicate an innocent man Lincoln Burrows for the murder of the VP's bro. His brother, the hero of this series, a god as far as i am concerned, Michael Scofield, realises that his brother is innocent. Any loving brother in this situation, i am sure, would go to court seeking justice. This is exactly what Scofield does, albeit in a completely different manner.

He studies the inmates of the Fox River state penitentiary, their case histories, their backgrounds and does a complete analysis of the guards. By a stroke of luck and it is here that I sense the flaw, he is a structural engineer, and it was his partner who had the blueprint for the penitentiary. So this dude Scofield gets the entire blueprint scaled to size and tattooed onto his body. He goes and fires a pistol in a bank he has no intention of robbing(because he is quite rich anyways) kinda like a dog running after a cab he has no intention of hiring. But thanks to this little incident, the judge sees it incumbent that he see the inside of a jail cell and sentences him to a year at Fox River. Voila. Stage I successful. Once he gets inside, he has reps on the outside who are working their arses out(figuratively and anyways they keep getting killed one by one by a group of federal agents called the company) just to figure out the undercurrents in this case.

For the first time in my life, I actually empathised with them inmates. Bellick, the jailer is brilliantly despicable and T-Bag as the bad man inmate is awesome. I am so inspired by Scofield that I am actually thinking of having my hair cut exactly like him. I guess that will be difficult since for the past 4 years I have had my hair like Becks trademark unkempt look, but the transition, I guess will be smooth.

Until next time blog!!

P.S: There's this character who appears in the second season called Mahon who is as intelligent as Scofield (after a tablet of Metamphetamine) and guesses exactly what Scofield had planned during and after the breakout. Though I personally don't advocate the use of "Met" for enhancing your alertness, this guy is some dude!!

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